book jacket with blurry crowd of people

page images from The Violence of Organized Forgetting by Henry Giroux

Here are some notable pages from this book that I highly recommend you buy and savor and reread and develop your own assessments of how it applies in your life.  Please excuse the drunken warped text. I tried to fix but maybe made it worse. Too lazy to re-shoot and hold the book better. Of course, that just meant I had to spend time fixing them! I also should have could have highlighted with color some of the main points that struck me and made me decide to provide intact but I didn’t think of it until the last page. And now I can’t figure out to add comments so you’ll just have to read and guess why I pick the page(s) as particularly profound.

p. 69 from The Violence of Organized Forgetting

p. 69 from The Violence of Organized Forgetting by Henry Girous

b p 70 IMG_2660

p. 70 from The Violence of Organized Forgetting by Henry Giroux

p. 71 text from The Violence of Organized Forgetting

p. 71 from The Violence of Organized Forgetting by Henry Giroux

p. 72 from The Violence of Organized Forgetting

p. 72 from The Violence of Organized Forgetting by Henry Giroux

p. 73 text from The Violence of Organized Forgetting

p. 73 from The Violence of Organized Forgetting by Henry Giroux

p. 74 text from The Violence of Organized Forgetting

p. 74 from The Violence of Organized Forgetting by Henry Giroux

p. 75 text from The Violence of Organized Forgetting

p. 75 from The Violence of Organized Forgetting by Henry Giroux

p. 76 text from The Violence of Organized Forgetting

p. 76 from The Violence of Organized Forgetting by Henry Giroux




p. 91 text from The Violence of Organized Forgetting

p. 91 from The Violence of the Organized Forgetting by Henry Giroux

p. 156 text from The Violence of Organized Forgetting

p. 156 from The Violence of Organized Forgetting by Henry Giroux

p. 157 text from The Violence of Organized Forgetting

p. 157 from The Violence of Organized Forgetting by Henry Giroux

p. 158 text from The Violence of Organized Forgetting

p. 158 partial page from The Violence of Organized Forgetting by Henry Giroux

p. 159 text from The Violence of Organized Forgetting

p. 159 from The Violence of Organized Forgetting by Henry Giroux

p. 212 text from The Violence of Organized Forgetting

p. 212 from The Violence of Organized Forgetting by Henry Giroux

p. 213 text from The Violence of Organized Forgetting

p. 213 from The Violence of Organized Forgetting by Henry Giroux

p. 262 notes text from The Violence of Organized Forgetting

p. 262 notes from The Violence of Organized Forgetting by Henry Giroux